Saturday, November 11, 2006

Prayer Hotline

Take a listen to Nillo's Night and his podcast of a Prayer Hotline.
Just a tongue-in-cheek entry about what people sometimes confuse God for ...
Oh, and I had this weird thought about what it would be like to run over God with a car. I will share it when I get a chance. So much to blog and so little time (besides if I blog too much, friends complain, "I can't keep up!" People, what are you doing all day at work when you should be reading blogs???)


At 5:54 AM , Blogger Alex Resare said...

When you are over at Nillos, listen to the king and his son as well. I like that story. Unfortunally his site doesn't work for me any more but the subscribtion in itunes still works so I can still listen.

At 8:56 AM , Blogger Peterson Toscano said...

alex, I find the site doesn't work in Safari, but I get it to load okay in Firefox.

the king and the son: wow, the son with no language to express who he is, he screams and screams and his father recognizes the voice. gives me chills.

At 10:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-) I will look at the Safari thing soon ... Thanks for the nice word Alex and Peterson. The story of the King and his Son made me sob the first time I found it ... Much peace ...


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